Year One Module: 00107-Basic Communication Skills Assignment Name First Last Good communication on the job site ___(Required) a. affects safety, schedules, and budgets b. will make you popular c. takes too much time d. cannot be learned Nonverbal communication is best for communicating ___(Required) a. feelings and attitudes b. complex ideas c. what a person desires d. instructions for installing new equipment Which of the following are examples of positive nonverbal communication?(Required) a. Sitting up straight, keeping a clean workspace, and looking at people who are talking to you. b. Keeping an expressionless face while looking into the eyes of the speaker the entire time. c. Speaking with an even tone and looking away most of the time during a conversation. d. Telling people all of the information they need in order to do a task properly and answering questions. Which of the following is an example of positive verbal communication on the job?(Required) a. Talking over or interrupting another person. b. Giving and taking instructions. c. Tuning out when someone is speaking. d. Ducking out of team discussions. Real listening is ___(Required) a. tedious b. an active process c. unnecessary d. an art A co-worker asks you to hand her a tool, but does not specify which tool she needs. The most appropriate response would be: ___(Required) a. "Get it yourself." b. "How am I supposed to figure out which tool you need?" c. "I'm sorry; which tool do you need?" d. "I am too busy; ask someone else." A supervisor wants an apprentice to insert a plug into a water supply line for a pressure test. The clearest way to instruct the apprentice would be for the supervisor to say, ___(Required) a. "Put the plug in" b. "Insert that one plug into the pipe" c. "Get the water supply line ready for the pressure test" d. "Insert the plug into the end of the water supply line so I can do a pressure test" If you are in the middle of a task and you receive a personal phone call.(Required) a. put the caller on hold until you complete the task b. continue working and do not answer c. tell the caller you don't have time to talk d. hand the phone to a co-worker In the construction industry, a codebook provides ____(Required) a. the keypad entry codes for locked work areas b. codes and standards, such as building codes or electrical codes c. passwords for company web services, such as databases and training software d. keys for understanding blueprint symbols A reader that wants to find any mention of a certain topic in a book can look in the ___(Required) a. table of contents b. glossary C. appendixes d. index Which is a typical example of an item a construction worker might read for work on a regular basis?(Required) a. Newspaper b. Roadmap c. Materials list d. Summons When you are looking for a specific installation procedure in a manual, the best way to find the information is to ___(Required) a. identify the correct section and go straight there b. start reading the book from the beginning c. study the terms in the glossary d. skim the book and take notes on all important information Which of the following is one disadvantage to using email versus paper-based delivery?(Required) a. Email is an expensive way to communicate. b. The spell-checker is unreliable. c. Emails cannot easily be replicated. d. Emails are not as private as paper-based documents. Many of the rules that apply to writing paper-based documents also apply to ____(Required) a. writing emails b. leaving voice messages c. having a face-to-face conversation d. taking orders Text messages are best used for ___(Required) a. long conversations since a record of what was said will be preserved b. telling people how one feels c. detailed or complex information d. brief messages that should be viewed immediately